Reactions range from skin irritation TO SEIZURE TO DEATH
I once received a 7 out of 10 rating on knowledge from a woman that i warned of the dangers of spot flea treatments. She thought i wasnt aware of how safe it was as tested by the company or else the product wouldn't be on the market.In holistic medicine, we dont believe in poisoning our pets by making pesticides pump through their blood.
I told her to read the warning: hazardous to domestic animals and pets. If it is killing the very resilient flea, what exactly are long term ramifications for your pet??
Unfortunately, many animals and kittens and puppies have given their lives dying with painful neurological convulsions being overdosed by this stuff in the name of keeping fleas off of our pets in some nazi-like laboratory of greed and misplaced values.
Fleas feed off of unhealthy pets, flea infestations on a pet indicate a sick or dying or very ill animal. Keep your pet healthy with proper diet and supplements and exercise and you wont see many fleas.
Once in a while treatment is ok. By why on this green earth would you use a neurotoxin pesticide when it is white with snow and the grass is barren and the cycles of fleas are dormant?
Treat your yard with nemotodes. simple.
If your home is infested, Fleabusters has a natural boric acid salt. It will dehydrate fleas and eggs.
I would keep my animals off of treated areas until vacuuming 24 hours later so they dont lick their pads as common sense goes a long way.
We believe what we are fed on commercials because a multi billion dollar company paid for advertising?
Well, if you wont believe me finally the EPA which i have to say is often slow to catch on and really has a load of inherent problems but has the trust of the public finally announced the dangers of pet flea treatments. Some reading for the skeptics...
in EPA's pesticide question and answer database:
"Increased Scrutiny of Flea and Tick Control Products" 23 June 2009
Further reading in: Journal of American Veterinary Medicine Association May 15 2009